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我们要特别感谢Specialized的支持A special thanks to Specialized 请您特别注意以下事项Special items for your attention - Please note the registration deadline of Tuesday, May 22nd. 请注意报名截止时间为5月22日星二半夜12点整.
- Please signin on the Race day and get your number!! 请现场签到领取号码
- The race will be held even if raining. 本次比赛不会因下雨延期.
- The race allows to use MOUNTIAN bike with 26inch, 29inch wheels, and cyclecross bike, 比赛允许使用26寸,29寸山地车,公路越野车型
Race Location 比赛地点(南安德路,安勇路口) South An De Road, An Yong Road
Anting New Town 安亭新镇汽车越野场
(the site is neat the 2009 FHL Club Championship 靠近2009年飞毛腿俱乐部冠军赛的地方) By Car 乘车
From Shanghai take A11 Huning Expressway. Exit Anting. It is right before tollgate entering Jiangsu Province.
By Bike骑车
Ride west on Jinshajiang Rd from Jinshajiang Subway station. Continue 30 km until Anting New Town.
Race timing: Sunday, May 27th, 2012 比赛时间:2012年5月27日, 星期日
Arrival at race course 到达比赛场地 | 12:00 | Category Open race start 公开组比赛开始 | 13:00 | Estimated Category Open finish 估计公开组结束 | 13:40 | Category Elite-race start 精英组比赛开始 | 14:00 | Estimated Category Elite finish 估计精英组结束 | 15:15 | Category Female & Children start 女子,儿童组比赛开始 | 15:30 | Estimated Category Female & Children finish 估计女子,儿童组结束 | 16:00 | Award Ceremony 颁奖 | 16:30 | Lucky draw 抽奖 | 16:40 |
Race type: Circuit Race 比赛类型:绕圈赛
组别 | Lap Distance (km)
单圈距离 | # of laps
圈数 | Total Distance (km) 总距离 |
| Elite | 2 | 10 | 20 | 精英组 | Open | 5 | 10 | 公开组 | Female & Children | 2 | 4 | 女子,儿童组 | Fees (payable at event)费用为 (在现场签到时付费)。
- Number 号码牌 RMB 10
- Cat Elite – 精英组 RMB 50
- Cat Open –公开组 RMB 50
- Female & Children —女子,儿童组 FREE
Registration - 报名注册
Registration forms must be received by midnight Tuesday, May 22nd. Race day registration will not be accepted. 报名截止时间为5月22日星期二半夜12点整。本次比赛不接受现场报名。
First time participants need to complete the following registration form. Repeat riders need to register with their name and number only. Note that registration information may be shared with race sponsors. 首次报名的参赛者须完整填写下列表格。上一场比赛有报过名的选手只须提供姓名和号码。请注意:报名信息可能会被提供给赞助商。
Registration form报名表
Name姓名:(中文姓名请同时注上拼音) |
| Gender 性别:
| Birth date出生日期:
| Nationality or province国籍/户籍:
| Passport/ID # 证件号码:
| Telephone number电话号码:
| Email address电子邮件:
| Emergency contact & phone # 紧急联系人和电话号码:
| Category组别: Elite – 精英组
Open –公开组
Female & Children —女子,儿童组
Please email registration forms to shrace@126.com
Or Sign up in Specialized Store.
要参加比赛的选手须以电子邮件形式提交报名表,请寄电邮到 shrace@126.com
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