本帖最后由 黑衣不是布 于 2014-1-13 23:02 编辑
【集合时间】:2014年1月18日(周六)Collection Time: 18/1/2014 (Sat)
【集合地点】:第一集合点 武宁路 中山北路路口 6.30First meeting point: Wuning Rd/ North Zhongshan Rd at 6:30 AM 第二集合点 曹安公路 嘉松公路口 7.15Second meeting point: Caoan Rd/Jiangsong Rd at 7:15 AM
【交通方式】:自行前往集合地。Transportation: AOTO 到达惠山自由骑行,回程自由组队,购买当日火车票或者提前网购。请带好身份证!! Reach the huishan free ride, return freedom party, buy the train ticket or online in advance. Please bring your id card!!!!!
【交通查询】:黑衣不是布 13636598650 Contact person for any question: Mr Black 13636598650
【路线信息】:曹安路--到集合点--22 曹安路到锡太路新韵路95 锡太路-新韵北路--具区路--蠡湖大道--太湖大道--钱荣路40 答:40+95+22=160KM 集合点直行--(22KM)嘉松北路右转--(13km)204国道左转--(27KM)锡太路左转--(55km)新韵北路左转--(11KM)具区 路右转-(11KM)蠡湖大道右转---(10KM)太湖大道左转--环湖路接钱荣路 --(8KM)惠山
Distance: approximate 150Km (single trip) Back on railway
Fee: 50-50
【活动午餐】:有Lunch: Yes
【路线强度】:中等(巡航30-35起):听从领队指挥不得超越 Intensity: Middle (AVS 30-35)Obey leader’s instruction, safe is the first rule!
Round trip 12 KM (Include climb and downhill)No speed limitation during climbing, speed control during down hilling.
1、本活动只限喜欢有挑战,喜欢拉链百公里玩家 1.Warm reminder:1.This activity is only for those who love challenging himself/herself for over 100Km zipper.
2.Rule: A piece of rest every 50KM. Whole team wait while someone’s tire puncture. No wait if someone have the physical struggles
请谨慎参加 ! Think Carefully!
Suggestion equipment:
1、锁鞋,跑鞋、骑行帽、骑行镜、补胎工具、手机(带好信用卡和1张老人头) 1.Bike shoes, Running shoes, Bike glasses, Helmet, Bike kit(Spart tire, sticker, bump), Credit card/Cash
2、不建议负重,建议带小腰包,携带适量巧克力等高能量食品、水1~1.5l、补液盐 2.Take belonging as lighter as possible.Take proper chocolate or high energy food, water 1~1.5 liter and ORS.
1、请携带少量现金(100元),勿带贵重物品。Carry some cash, no valuables carried.
2、报名参加者视同默认活动规则。 The participants shall be regarded as the default activity rules
3、可能遇到的危险(请谨慎报名):Potential danger: (Cautiously register)
(1)、 寒冷,中暑 Cold injury/hearstroke
(2)、 碰伤或扭伤手、脚; Injury or sprain
(3)、 交通意外等。 Traffic accident
( 德龙大哥的腿)
Buy insurance for yourself. Safe is the no.1 rule.
本活动只为约伴活动,并且是非赢利性质,凡报名参加者均视为具有完全民事行为能力人,参加者须对自己的安全负责 。如在活动中发生人身损害后果,赔偿责任领队不承担,由受损害人依据法律规定和本领队声明依法解决。代他人报名者,被代报名参加者如遭受人身损害,赔偿责任领队同样不承担。本领队声明中关于免除领队赔偿责任之约定效力,同样及于本次活动其它队友,凡报名人员 活动中个人如有意外召集者不承担任何责任。 如有意外情况发生,领队以及各队员须尽力救助,不承当意外风险的后果和责任。以上作为强制性要求,参加者视同默认。
注:不排除因天气变化、道路损坏而放弃行程的可能, 如因外力原因取消召集,将尽快在本论坛通告,敬请留意!
This is a non-profit nature activity. Participant shall be regarded as a full civil capacity person. Participant is responsible to his own safe. Any damages or injury consequences, the leader is not responsible to compensation. This situation shall be solved according to the China’s law and this statement. The immunity is not onlyimplemented on the organizer but also on other participant. If anyaccident occur, other members will try their best to assist, but shall not bear any loss or responsibility result from the accident. Above are the mandatory rules must be obeyed. P.S: There will be a possibility to cancel the activity due to weather change or road damage. We will update with you on the forum, pay attention on it.
如果下雨地湿活动自动取消,希望大家留电话以便通知活动 Please leave the contact information if any emergency occur that we can reach you by phone.
集合点会发简单路书,到时大家码表清o即可! A simple road book will be distributed at meeting point. Just set you mile record to “0” and go!