·Drafting is not allowed.Violators will have time penalties or disqualified.绝对不准跟车,如果发现跟骑,会加时间的惩罚,还有可能让参加者停止比赛没成绩。
·The location may have a small change to the actual seawall, if possible.This would be in the same general area and a further announcement will be made if changed.地点将可能有改变到附近另外一个场地,不远,如果改变会另外发通知.
·The award ceremonies are a part of the race and important for our sponsors.Please join the ceremony, including the group picture at the end.发奖杯是比赛一部分,参加比赛的人也应该参加.这对我们的赞助商也很重要.发完奖杯我们有团体照片.
1.Race timing: Saturday, August 9th , 2008 比赛时间:2008年8月9日, 星期六
Bus riders meet at German Center, Pudong 如搭车,集合在浦东张江德国中心
Arrival at race course 到达比赛场地
- 报名注册:
8:00 – 9:00
Warm up - 热身:
8:00 – 9:00
Race briefing & instructions - 赛前简报跟比赛说明:
Time trial:Continuous start, 30 second starting intervals (A, B, MTB, W)
计时赛: 所有组别同时进行比赛 (A, B, MTB, 女子) 每隔30秒出发一个人
9:15 – 11:00
Calculate results 计算结果
11:00 – 11:30
Awards ceremony – 颁奖仪式:
11:30 – 12:00
In the case of rain, the race will held on Sunday, August 10如遇下雨,比赛将推迟至8月10日,星期天。
2.Race Location 比赛地点
Race Site: Pudong Airport Road, between the airport and the ocean.From Longdong Road, turn right on Yuandong Road.Continue south until Airport Road; going on the overpass, turn left (east) and continue until the end of the road, at the ocean. 比赛地点: 浦东国际机场,在机场跟东海中间.走龙东大道到远东大道,右转。走到机场大道,过了立交桥左转。一直走到路的终点,在海边。
Meeting location for riders taking the bus is the German Center in Pudong; for volunteers it is the Zhang Jiang subway station.联赛志愿者及未骑车的车友搭车到张江地铁站集合,骑车的车友请骑至德国中心,那里有人负责装车.
a)Safety first.No action that violates this spirit or puts other racers in danger will be allowed. 安全第一。任何有违该原则或危及其他选手安全的行为将被禁止。
b)All traffic laws and other government rules and regulations must be obeyed at all times. 必须遵守交通法规及其他由政府制定的相关法律法规。
c)Helmets are required of all riders at all times in the race. 所有比赛中必须正确佩戴头盔。
d)Numbers will be assigned to each participant.The participant should pin the number on his/her jersey for the duration of the race, and return the number to the race organizer after completing the race. 每个选手将收到号码牌。选手应在整个比赛过程中将号码牌别在骑行服上,并在赛后归还号码牌。
e)For “Category A” and “Category B” racers, only road bikes will be allowed.For “Category MTB” racers, only mountain bikes will also be allowed.For all categories, time trial bicycles and aero bars will be allowed only in time trial races.Recumbent bicycles, tandems, and other bicycles will be considered non-conforming and not allowed to enter any race. 只有公路车可以参加A组和B组的比赛。只有山地车可以参加山地组比赛。对于所有组别,计时赛车只能用于计时赛。躺车、三轮车和其他种类的自行车将被视为不合规则,不允许参加任何比赛。
f)Proper maintenance of the bicycle and safety rests solely on the participant.Any bicycle found to be in non-safe condition will not be allowed to enter the race. 参赛选手全权对车辆的正确保养和安全负责。如发现状况不佳危及安全的自行车,将不允许其参赛。
g)Drafting within each category is allowed in all races with the exception of time trials.For Circuit or lap races, lapped riders may continue riding but may not draft riders who have lapped them.除计时赛外,所有比赛均允许跟车。在绕圈赛中,被套圈的选手可以继续比赛,但不能跟骑超过他们的选手。
h)No IPODs, MP3s or other musical instruments or communication devices are allowed. 不能带IPOD, MP3等随身音乐设备和通信设备。
i)Disqualification or time penalties will be performed at the sole discretion of the race volunteers. 除名或罚时将由比赛志愿者作出判罚。
5.Registration - 报名注册
Registration forms must be received by midnight Tuesday, August 5th. Race day registration will not be accepted. 报名截止时间为8月5日星期二半夜12点整。本次比赛不接受现场报名。
First time participants need to complete the following registration form.Repeat riders need to register with their name and number only.Note that registration information may be shared with race sponsors.A signed waiver will be required at the race course, which will remain in effect for all 2008 races. 首次报名的参赛者须完整填写下列表格。第二次报名的选手只须提供姓名,号码和是否要搭车。请注意:报名信息可能会被提供给赞助商。在比赛日须签署一张免责声明,该声明将在2008赛季全部的比赛中具有效力。
For team registration, please assign a team captain to register for the whole team. Please provide the team name, the riders’ names and transportation needs if the team has registered before.For new team or new riders in the registered team, please fill in the form below and attach it to the e-mail.