4 Results 比赛结果 4.1 Results will be posted on the web as soon as practical following the race. Results as posted by the volunteers will be considered final. 比赛结果将在赛后尽快发布在网上。由志愿者发布的比赛结果将被认为是最终结果。 4.2 A season champion for each category will be determined, using the points per “Finish Points” column. Intermediate sprints will also be announced and scored per the “Sprint Points” column. 根据“完赛积分”一栏,在每组中将会产生一个赛季总冠军。比赛冲刺点将根据“冲刺积分”一栏来计算。 Place 名次 | General Classification Points 名次积分 | Sprint Points 冲刺点 | Cat A A组 | Cat B B组 | Cat MTB 山地组 | Cat W 女子组 | 1 | 136 | 136 | 136 | 66 | 50 | 2 | 135 | 135 | 135 | 65 | 40 | 3 | 133 | 133 | 133 | 63 | 30 | 4 | 130 | 130 | 130 | 60 | 20 | 5 | 126 | 126 | 126 | 56 | 10 | 6 | 121 | 121 | 121 | 51 |
| 7 | 115 | 115 | 115 | 45 |
| 8 | 108 | 108 | 108 | 38 |
| 9 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 30 |
| 10 | 91 | 91 | 91 | 21 |
| 11 | 81 | 81 | 81 |
| 12 | 70 | 70 | 70 |
| 13 | 58 | 58 | 58 |
| 14 | 45 | 45 | 45 |
| 15 | 31 | 31 | 31 |
| All finishers 所有完赛者 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 11 |
5 Sponsorship and Fees 赞助和费用 5.1 Sponsorship is a key part of supporting the races. Anyone with potential sponsorship ideas should discuss this with the FHL leadership team or email shbikerace@gmail.com. 赞助是支持比赛的关键部分。任何有意赞助比赛的人应和FHL核心小组商讨,或者发邮件至shbikerace@gmail.com 5.2 Registration fees 报名费用 5.2.1 Category A – A组 RMB 20 5.2.2 Category B & MTB – B 组, MTB组 RMB 10 5.2.3 Category W – 女字组 Free免费 5.3 Number fees 号码费用 5.3.1 The same number will be assigned to each participant for the entire year. The numbers may be kept by the participant following the final race. 每位参赛者整年使用的号码将固定不变。号码将由参赛者本人保存至赛季最后一场比赛。 5.3.2 Initial number fee 初次费用 RMB 10 5.3.3 Replacement number fee 补发费用 RMB 20 5.4 Registration fees and number fees are payable upon registration. No registration means that scores for the race will be void. 报名费和号码牌费用可在签到时支付。没有签到意味着比赛成绩无效。
6 Volunteers 志愿者 6.1 The Shanghai Bicycle Series race is an informal race performed entirely by volunteers. Additional volunteers are required, including the following positions: 上海自行车联赛是全部由志愿者操作的非正式比赛。需要更多志愿者加入,负责如下岗位: 6.1.1 Registration负责签到 6.1.2 Timers计时员 6.1.3 Spotters (working together to assist the timers identify riders and relative positions) 观察员(配合计时员判断选手的相对顺序和名次) 6.1.4 Road safety checkers, at intersections and other potential dangerous locations. 道路安全员,把守路口和其他具有现在危险的地方。 6.1.5 Photographers. 摄影师 6.2 Those interested in volunteering can do so on bikehome.net or by emailing shbikerace@gmail.com. 对志愿者工作感兴趣的朋友可登录bikehome.net或者发邮件到shbikerace@gmail.com
7 Race Rules 比赛规则 7.1 Safety first. No action that violates this spirit or puts other racers in danger will be allowed. 安全第一。任何有违该原则或危及其他选手安全的行为将被禁止。 7.2 All traffic laws and other government rules and regulations must be obeyed at all times. 必须遵守交通法规及其他由政府制定的相关法律法规。 7.3 Helmets are required of all riders at all times in the race. 所有比赛中必须正确佩戴头盔。 7.4 Riders who are not currently racing should not ride with the peleton or allow racers to draft.非本场选手不得与车队同行或跟骑。 7.5 IPODs, MP3s and other similar electronic devices are not allowed. 不能带IPOD, MP3等随身音乐设备。 7.6 Numbers will be assigned to each participant. The participant should pin the number on his/her jersey for the duration of the race. 每个选手将收到号码牌。选手应在整个比赛过程中将号码牌别在骑行服上。 7.7 For “Category A” and “Category B” racers, only road bikes will be allowed. For “Category MTB” racers, only mountain bikes will also be allowed. For all categories, time trial bicycles and aero bars will be allowed only in time trial races. Recumbent bicycles, tandems, and other bicycles will be considered non-conforming and not allowed to enter any race. 只有公路车可以参加A组和B组的比赛。只有山地车可以参加山地组比赛。对于所有组别,计时赛车只能用于计时赛。躺车、三轮车和其他种类的自行车将被视为不合规则,不允许参加任何比赛。 7.8 Proper maintenance of the bicycle and safety rests solely on the participant. Any bicycle found to be in non-safe condition will not be allowed to enter the race. 参赛选手全权对车辆的正确保养和安全负责。如发现状况不佳危及安全的自行车,将不允许其参赛。 7.9 Drafting within each category is allowed in all races with the exception of time trials. For Circuit or lap races, lapped riders may continue riding but may not draft riders who have lapped them. Riders who have been lapped three times should withdraw from the race. 除计时赛外,所有比赛均允许跟车。在绕圈赛中,被套圈的选手可以继续比赛,但不能跟骑超过他们的选手。被套圈三次应退出比赛。 7.10 Disqualification or time penalties will be performed at the sole discretion of the race volunteers. 除名或罚时将由比赛志愿者作出判罚。
8 Limited Liability 有限责任 8.1 The races are unofficial events and in no case do the organizers carry any liability for any event or circumstance. There is no insurance purchased. 所有比赛为非正式比赛,比赛组织者不承担任何责任。不提供保险。 8.2 Bicycle racing is potentially a dangerous activity, and that injuries can result. By entering the race, each participant is fully assuming the risks associated with this activity, including but not limited to the following examples: collisions with vehicles, riders, and pedestrians, or accidents arising from the conditions or obstacles on the road. Participants further warrant that they have no medical condition that will endanger me or any other participant. Mechanical condition and safety of each person’s bicycle is the participant’s sole responsibility. 自行车比赛是一项具有潜在危险的活动,可能会有伤害发生。参加比赛即选手已认识到这项活动可能会带来的风险,包括但不限于如下例子:与机动车、其他选手和行人相撞;由道路状况或障碍物引发的事故等。参加者须确保自身没有危及自己或他人的健康问题。选手应全权对自己使用的自行车及装备安全负责。 8.3 A waiver of liability form will be required of all participants. 所有参赛选手需要签署免责声明。 |