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[医学保健] 最近骑车后感到很疲劳

发表于 2008-4-15 22:46:45 | 只看该作者
引用第41楼dukeduck2008-03-12 00:02发表的: 那为啥那些大牌子(GNC,EAS)的蛋白质产品却以乳清蛋白为主呢?很困惑



Whey vs. Soy -- You've Been Tricked

Source: Elite Fitness: Online Bodybuilding Magazine

If you remember many years ago, weight gainers were the big thing and protein powders were out! Then, in like a storm came the "low calorie" weight gainers (yeah right!) and the criticism of the high calorie diet. Right after this came the inundation of whey protein. Here's the trend: promote something, then dispel it, promote it again, then dispel it. This way, the supplement companies always have something "new" to bring to the market. I predict that soon, there will be a resurgence in the high calorie diet. I'm sure it will be slightly modified, but a high calorie diet nonetheless.

Most supplement companies do not really care what the truth about supplements really is -- they will promote what is "hot". Translation: what has the lowest production costs, and the greatest money-making potential. Back to protein powders -- is whey really the king protein? And are you getting what you pay for? The answer is that you've been misled again.

In this issue of Elite Fitness News, we'll take a close look at whey protein and how it compares to other proteins -- soy protein in particular. We'll look at how in many ways it is not the superior protein that the bodybuilding magazines would lead you to believe. We'll look at the following:

BV vs PDCAAS BV (Biological Value) vs PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score).
A brief history of Soy-Protein Isolate.
Soy Protein Isolate put to the Test
Glutamine: Which protein has the most.
Protein Concentrate vs. Protein Isolate
Soy Protein Isolate for body-builders
Soy Protein Isolate for Dieters
The Health Benefits of Soy Isolate

I guarantee that after reading this newsletter, you'll never look at proteins the same way again. I also guarantee that the information in this letter will save you money and help you get closer to finding the ultimate protein source for building a hard lean muscular physique.

If you read any of the bodybuilding magazines for the last few years now, it is hard not to notice the concerted effort that the publishers have made to push whey protein as bodybuilding's superior protein source. You've seen the claims and the hype, "biological value of 168--over 50% better that egg protein," "ion- exchanged," "richest source of glutamine," and the list goes on and on. What many bodybuilders do not realize, is that this hype is just that - hype. Much of what you have heard about whey's superiority as a protein source is just plain untrue. Let's take a closer look.

Most people do not realize whey protein's humble origins. Originally, whey was a by-product of cheese production. Cheese is mostly fat and casein. In the cheese making process, whey was a left over by-product, and it was simply poured down the drain. Now, that was some time ago - back then, the manufacturers thought, wouldn't it be nice if we could find a way to sell the waste and make some money out of it. And the stuff was cheap as could be. Maybe they thought, "we'll sell it to bodybuilders! They'll eat (believe) anything." And the rest is history.

History has repeated itself for the other sources of protein as well, when eggs were cheap, they were the preferred protein, now that they are not quite the bargain they once were, they are no longer in vogue. Later on, dairy subsidies made milk casein pricing more attractive, so it then became the star. Then along came whey, and you know the rest of the story.

1. BV (Biological Value) vs PDCAAS Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score).

Several studies have been done to assess any differences in weight gain between individuals supplementing with whey protein, soy protein, or egg protein. SURPRISE, SURPRISE! There were NO differences whatsoever (statistically speaking) between the effectiveness of the proteins. Remember, all three of these proteins are designed to stimulate growth-- albeit in chicks, calves, etc. So, is one really better than another? Not according to the weight gained in the studies. Proponents of whey say that it has an ultra high BV (biological value), exceeding by far every other protein. One manufacturer even claims that their protein has a BV of 168-- over 50% better that egg protein!

Scoring Protein by BV is the first area where the bodybuilding public is being deceived and manipulated. Elite Fitness has researched this topic rather thoroughly and has talked to experts in the field who work for the actual companies which manufacture and process the raw, bulk products. I have questioned several experts as to the quality of the various proteins and have found a few interesting facts. First and foremost, BV and PER (protein efficiency ratio) are OUTDATED. The newest and most accurate measurement of a protein's quality for a HUMAN is the PDCAAS--Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score. A mouthful I know, and yet it is the industry standard.

According to the PDCAAS scale, whey is not necessarily the best protein. In fact, soy and whey are both considered a ONE (top score) on the scale. Does this mean that both of these proteins are equal? Not at all--I will discuss the pros and cons of each protein later in the article. What it does mean is that either will supply the BASIC BUILDING BLOCKS for muscle tissue growth and recuperation as well as the next one.

2. A brief history of Soy-Protein Isolate.

The first thing that I do when a consultation client asks me about Soy Isolate Deluxe protein is to ask them to forget whatever they have heard about soy protein. Soy has received a bad reputation in recent years because it is a protein source that comes entirely from soybeans. Since soy is derived from a plant source, it has been viewed as an inferior and incomplete protein. It also doesn't help that its two greatest consumers in the U.S. today are vegetarians and people with milk allergies such as lactose intolerance; not exactly the type of people you expect to see squatting 500-lbs reps at your local gym.

Soy protein powders first came on the market as a food supplement around 20 years ago in the form of soy protein concentrate. At that time, soy protein concentrate was about 70% protein by weight. This protein was loaded with carbohydrates, sodium, and had a poor amino acid profile that made it inefficient for use as a quality muscle building supplement.

The production and development of soy protein changed dramatically over the following decade with the introduction of isolation. Isolation is a method of extracting the soy protein from the beans and concentrating it to make it far more useful to the body than the old soy concentrate. This new product is called soy protein isolate and contained over 90% protein.

3. Soy Protein Isolate put to the Test

This new soy-protein isolate looked fantastic on paper. Imagine a food supplement that contains over 90% protein by weight with near zero amounts of carbohydrates and fats. In addition, soy-protein isolate could be manufactured for a fraction of the cost of other protein sources. This is due to the U.S. producing more than $15 billion worth of soybeans each year for use as foodstuffs for animals and humans. The biggest question however was how efficiently would your body use this soy-isolate as a protein source?

In 1989, soy protein was put to the test to see how it stacked up against other proteins on a scale of protein quality. The most advanced protein-quality measurement scale is the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). The highest PDCAAS score possible is 1.0. Any protein with a score of 1.0 is considered complete for use by the human body. Soy was tested along with egg white, casein (derivative of milk protein), beef, and a variety of beans to determine their PDCAAS rating. Soy-protein isolate, along with egg white, whey, and casein proteins, came back with a perfect 1.0 score. Interestingly enough, beef scored only a .92 while kidney beans came in highest among the beans with a .68 rating.

But what about hydrolization (breaking the proteins into smaller fractions like "di and tri peptides") couldn't this make whey into the superior product that it is supposed to be? What we found was that the hydrolyzed whey promotes less nitrogen retention than a similar non-hydrolyzed whey (a bad thing for a bodybuilder because a positive nitrogen balance is a must for anabolic muscle gain.) As a note: the hydrolyzed product that we studied was the BEST in the industry with a 27% hydrolization, no bitter taste, and at a cost from the manufacturer of greater than $8.00 per pound! Rest assured, NO manufacturer is selling a whey product where the raw materials for the protein cost anywhere close to $8 per pound.

Consider the above and you will quickly realize that supplement companies (who don't actually manufacture the whey but buy the raw product from an actual manufacturer) are telling "some fibs" about whey protein. BV of 168--ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS! Real whey manufacturers sometimes still use BV to grade protein, and they always rate whey protein as a 94 BV! When you see a 168 BV claim listed on the label of several manufacturers' whey protein, just turn your head, know you're being scammed, and absolutely don't buy!

Now let's consider the other claims and statements about the di-and tri- peptides, about glutamine, and about the BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids).

If hydrolization doesn't further increase nitrogen retention, then what is the point of breaking protein into its smaller fractions like di- and tri- peptides? There IS a good reason for hydrolyzing a protein and having short peptides but it has nothing to do with BV/nitrogen retention. Instead, it has everything to do with how FAST and EASY the product is absorbed in the gut. Regular, undigested whey will be broken down into di- and tri-peptides via enzymes in a person's gut and will be absorbed as such. The caveat is that the whole process just takes a little longer. Hydrolyzed products are basically only useful in baby food or hospital situations where a person's digestive system is not functioning optimally or when protein delivery is needed very quickly.

Is there any benefit of a hydrolyzed product for the bodybuilder? To tell you the truth, I would have to say NO -- except possibly for the benefit of having a quickly absorbed protein immediately after a workout to ensure the muscle tissue is flooded with nutrients in a timely manner albeit with a nitrogen penalty. Interestingly, this entire argument about hydrolized protein is academic as it is not currently sold on the market. Here's why. One, the cost of hydrolyzed whey is outrageous and two, its taste is ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. Trust me, if you're want to induce vomiting, just take a little hydrolyzed whey protein!

4. Glutamine: Which protein has the most.

Isn't the claim true about whey having significantly higher amounts of glutamine and BCAAs? Sorry, but NO! Whey does have the highest amounts of BCAAs of any protein but NOT SIGNIFICANTLY higher amounts. When it comes to the amounts of glutamine, soy beats whey hands down. For every 100 grams of protein, whey has 20.1 grams of BCAAs and 4.9 grams of glutamine. Maybe to your surprise, soy has 18.1 grams of BCAAs and a whopping 10.5 grams of glutamine! Again, we have been lied to and deceived.

5. Protein Concentrate vs. Protein Isolate

Most companies are selling whey protein concentrate (WPC) and saying that their product is whey protein isolate. Ion exchange protein really doesn't mean anything in terms of the quality of the protein powder as a whole! Any high quality, pure protein will be labeled an ISOLATE and this is what you MUST look for. A true ion-exchange process CAN yield a good isolate but it is not the only process available for getting a superior whey protein. An isolate will have very little fat and lactose and will be about 90% protein (the protein fractions are "isolated" from the rest of the material).

On the other hand, a WPC made through protein filtration is vastly inferior to an isolate with about 7% fat and lactose and only 75% protein (The actual protein in WPC is usually pretty good, but who wants to deal with all of the fat and lactose?) Interestingly, WPC costs less than half of what an isolate costs. Unfortunately, both products look and taste about the same so it becomes very hard to know what you have--you basically have to trust the manufacturer (supplement company) of the particular product.

Here's the picture--the industry through various articles in muscle magazines touts the benefits and characteristics of a whey protein ISOLATE and turns around and uses a CONCENTRATE. Tell me, who's the wiser? The supplement companies, that's who, and they're a whole lot richer to boot! Some manufacturers will put 98% WPC in their product and then put in 1% of a hydrolyzed product (remember this tastes horrible!) and 1% of an isolate. Then, they can legally claim all types of stuff on their label-- di and tri peptides, ion-exchange, blah, blah, blah!

What about the other available proteins--egg, casein, and soy? How do these compare? First, let me state that all of the above proteins are decent if processed correctly. Each will provide the body very efficiently with the protein that it "needs". I would definitely stay away from casein and egg white. Casein has been shown to have detrimental effects on a person's cholesterol profile and egg white protein tastes poorly, is expensive, and consists of about 10% carbohydrates.

Before you say it, I know your response--"That's all wonderful, but what is the best protein for me, a bodybuilder/weightlifter?" If you were to use any ONE protein source then I would have to say that it's a toss up between a soy isolate and a whey ISOLATE (you know, the one that no one can buy.) WPC provides a good protein; however the accompanying fat and carbs is something you do not want. If I had a choice, I would pick a soy isolate. A soy isolate is inexpensive, has the highest score on the PCDAAS, is very soluble if instantized, is extremely bland (a good thing), IMPROVES kidney function (unlike any other protein), is anticarcinogenic, is anti-estrogenic, lowers LDL (bad) and raises HDL (good) cholesterol, IMPROVES THYROID FUNCTION, etc, etc--the list goes on and on. But best of all, unlike whey isolate, pure soy isolates exist.

6. Soy Protein Isolate benefits for Bodybuilders

Animal research suggests some great advantages of using soy protein isolate as a bodybuilding supplement. Research has shown that the isoflavone daidzein found in soy-protein isolate might have a gender specific normalizing effect on sex-hormone production. Lab animals experienced testosterone and growth hormone excretion as well as muscle growth in males, while the female animals experienced a decrease in these hormones and fat loss.

Daidzein is a key isoflavone found in soy that acts as a potent phyto-estrogen. It is structurally a very weak "pseudo-estrogen" (about 1000 times weaker than the body's primary estrogen estradiol). This is good news to the bodybuilder because weak estrogens like daidzein will compete with stronger estrogens like estradiol for available receptor sites to "bind" to. By binding to the receptor sites daidzein then "blocks" the stronger estrogens from binding to and activating receptor sites. With the daidzein isolflavone attached, estrogen receptor sites remain inactive. This inactivity further minimizes the negative effects of estrogen in the body. Many researchers believe this effect is the reason soy protein is linked to a reduction in the risk for many forms of breast, endometrial, and prostate cancer. This mechanism works similarly to the prescription drug Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate)--an anti-estrogen staple in the bodybuilding community.

Research also indicates that the soy-protein isolates may reduce nitrogen loss and keep you in a positive nitrogen balance to better facilitate muscle growth. The human body can only repair and build muscles when it has a positive nitrogen balance.

Of particular interest to the bodybuilder is Soy Isolates high concentration of the amino acids glutamine and arginine. These two aminos are extremely important to a body builder for their ability to release growth hormone, aid in immune system functions, and for their ability to speed muscle cell recovery.

Glutamine (per 100g)


Milk Protein


Many bodybuilders understand the importance of the essential amino acid L- glutamine to their muscle building supplementation. What many bodybuilders don't
know is that soy protein isolate has the highest concentration of glutamine among protein sources-over twice that of whey protein! (7) Glutamine has been used for years in hospitals to speed muscle cell recovery and improve maintenance of muscle mass during periods of starvation, infection, and exercise trauma. (8) Glutamine supplementation has been shown to promote muscle glycogen accumulation, which has been linked to an increase in muscle protein synthesis. (10) Glutamine has also shown the ability to increase muscle cell volume through the process of cellular hydration. (11) Glutamine supplementation in as little as 2 grams per day has been shown to increase plasma growth hormone levels. This increase in growth hormone has been shown to help shift the fuel for muscle from glucose to fatty acids. (9) Research has suggested that a bodybuilder should consume between 8 - 15 grams of glutamine each day. Supplementing 3-5 grams of glutamine 3 times per day has been shown to elicit a positive response without stimulating the excretion of glutamine in the urine.

Arginine (per 100g)






L-Arginine is another important amino acid with respects to body building. Arginine plays several roles in the body such as fighting mental and physical fatigue, but its
main job is to assist with growth. This amino acid promotes the release of two highly anabolic hormones, insulin and growth hormone. Arginine promotes gains further by assisting in recovery from post workout muscle trauma through its ability to speed tissue healing. This amino acid aids in the detoxification of the liver by removing ammonium from the body. Arginine has also shown the ability to lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Arginine is used in the medical treatment of angina, congestive heart failure, male infertility and wound healing. Soy isolate protein contains higher amounts of this important amino acid than any other protein source.

As a hard training bodybuilder, your body needs protein every 2 -2 1/2 hours even if you may not think you need it. The human body does not store protein long term as it does for fat and carbohydrates. Instead, your body holds amino acids in three pools that provide the body's necessary protein for fuel. These pools are constantly in a state of flux and are replenished either from dietary protein or the breakdown of muscle. It is extremely important to keep these amino acid pools topped off through the feeding of protein every 2 - 2 1/2 hours. When feeding stops, there is a fall in protein synthesis and a rise in protein breakdown. This translates into a loss of lean body mass after extended periods without protein.

7. Soy Protein Isolate for Dieters

For years, bodybuilding gurus have recommended the use of soy protein for pre-contest bodybuilders who need to shed body fat while keeping as much lean muscle as possible. Normally when the body is forced into a low calorie diet program, it reacts by slowing down your metabolic rate. This will make it increasingly more difficult to lose body fat. Soy-protein isolate helps lessen this effect through several different pathways. First, soy-protein isolate has been found to enhance endogenous production of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroxin (T4), and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroxin is the main player in the regulation of your metabolic rate. The more thyroxin you have the faster your metabolism will be. A faster metabolism insures that more of the food you eat will be used as fuel and less will be stored as fat, an important advantage to any dieter.

Another way soy accelerates fat loss is with its unique concentration of amino acids. Soy-protein isolate has the highest concentration of amino acids in what is called the "critical cluster". This cluster of amino acids contains the three branch chain amino acids (BCAA's) and two essential aminos - glutamine and arginine. These critical amino acids help a bodybuilder spare muscle while losing body fat during a pre-contest diet. Any time you diet, your body tries to break down muscle glycogen in an effort to provide the body with more calories. In fact, your body will often try to use broken down muscle for fuel before it uses stored body fat. This is called muscle catabolism or muscle breakdown. These three branch chain amino acids are the first amino acids that are used for fuel when your body begins muscle catabolism. If you have a high amount of these branch chain amino acids in your diet, your body will first use these for fuel before it breaks down your stored muscle.

8. The Health Benefits of Soy Isolate

Now that we know that soy is a quality protein source, what health benefits can soy protein bring to its consumer? The intake of soyfoods has long been associated with a reduced risk for certain cancers. Research has suggested that phytic acid and protease inhibitors, two of the nonnutritive compounds in soybeans, contribute to the observed anticarcinogenic effects of consuming soy. (1) Residents of the United States and the United Kingdom, as a whole, consume the smallest amounts of soyfoods but have the highest instances of breast and prostate cancer. Japanese residents in comparison are the largest consumers of soyfoods and have the lowest instances of these cancers. (3) Researchers point to the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, which are found exclusively in soy and soy protein isolate, as the major components behind soy's anti-carcinogenic effects.(2)

Soy protein isolate has shown the ability to promote bone health, which in turn aids in the prevention of Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a chronic disease characterized by a decrease in bone density, which results in abnormally porous and fragile bones. It has been suggested that a high protein diet may increase the excretion of calcium in the urine, which can lead to this health condition. Studies have shown that not all proteins have the same effect on calcium excretion. Compared with animal protein, soy does not result in an increased loss of calcium in the urine thus promoting a more optimal calcium balance. (4) In addition, the isoflavones in soy protein have been shown to increase both bone mineral content and bone mineral density which will improve the health of abnormally porous bones.(5)

Soy protein isolate has shown the ability to effectively lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Experts agree that these cholesterol-lowering effects can be achieved through the consumption of as little as 25 grams of soy isolate protein each day. The experts point to the high levels of the amino acid arginine for this lipid lowering effect. (6) LDL cholesterol is one of the primary factors behind progressive atherosclerosis. This medical condition is caused by the progressive build up of plaque that clogs blood flow in the arteries.

Soy protein has also shown the ability to improve kidney function. While scientists agree that the high protein intake of bodybuilders is necessary for proper muscle building and repair, they also agree that this diet will place additional stress on the kidneys. Studies of both humans and animals have shown that soy proteins filter more easily in the kidneys thereby reducing their workload. In 1993, a study was performed on the Romanian Olympic swimming and rowing teams. In this study, the athletes were supplemented with 1.5 grams per kg of bodyweight of soy protein along with their dietary protein (2 grams per kg of bodyweight) per day. This additional protein showed no detrimental effects on kidney function and actually showed from 5 to 46 percent improvement in kidney function.


(1)(2) Messina M, Messina V. Increasing use of soyfoods and their potential role in cancer prevention. J Am Diet Assoc 1991;91:836-840

(3) American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures-1996.

(4)(5)(6)Ross PD. osteoporosis: Frequency, consequences and risk factors. Archives of Internal Med 1996's 156.1399-1411.

(7)(8)(9) Bulus, N., Pysysiological Importance of Glutamine. Metabolism Vol.38, No.8, August 1989.

(10)(11) Parry-Billings, M. Effects of changes in cell volume on the rates of glutamine and alanine release from rat skeletal muscle in vitro. Biomedical Journal, 276, 1991.
发表于 2008-4-15 22:47:52 | 只看该作者









实验证明:低蛋白膳食(植物蛋白)能抑制黄曲霉毒素诱发癌症,而且,即使癌症已经发生,低蛋白膳食也能显著地遏制癌症病情的恶化。而高蛋白膳食 (动物蛋白)则能对黄曲霉毒素诱发癌症起到推波助澜的作用。事实上,膳食蛋白质对癌症的影响是非常显著的,只需要调整蛋白质的摄入量,就可以激活或者抑制癌症的发生和发展。










贝尔教 授在题为《东方营养学的未来及西方营养模式的启迪》的报告中指出,中国人不要重复西方国家在饮食结构不合理方面所付出的代价,特别是美国快餐所引起营养不 平衡所导致的肥胖症。坎贝尔认为,中国人普遍地、大量地饮用牛奶,使动物蛋白质摄入大为增加,也给不断发展的经济带来负面影响,具体表现为营养过剩引起肥 胖,继而使心脏病、中风、高血压等疾病的发病率增加,由此导致公共和个人医疗开支逐年递增。




发表于 2008-4-15 22:49:06 | 只看该作者

作者:胡奎 2007-09-24 21:57:01

当今世界最权威的营养学家、康奈尔大学坎贝尔教授花了20年时间进行这项“中国健康调查”,在中国24个省、市、自治区的69个县开展了关于膳食、生活方 式和疾病死亡率的流行病研究。他的成果去年9月结集为《中国健康调查报告》,由吉林文史出版社出版。这份“营养学有史以来最全面的调查”,有一个膳食与疾 病关系的石突天惊的发现:以动物性食物为主的膳食会导致慢性疾病的发生,如肥胖、冠心病、肿瘤、骨质疏松等;以植物性食物为主的膳食最有利于健康,也最能 有效地预防和控制慢性疾病。用通俗的话讲就是:多吃粮食、蔬菜和水果,少吃鸡、鸭、鱼、肉、蛋、奶等。



     全国政协委员、中国工程院院士、中国疾病预防控制中心陈君石研究员这样评价此书:“《中国健康调查报告》提供了强有力的证据,它无可辩驳地证明:我们完全 可以通过调整膳食来防治心脏病、癌症和其他西方式疾病。这本书不仅适用于经济发达国家,也是那些因经济快速发展而导致饮食习惯发生巨变的发展中国家的首先 图书。”






    坎贝尔小时候是在奶牛场长大的。奶制品是最为重要的一种食品。学校里,老师告诉我们牛奶可以让我们的身体更强壮,骨骼和牙齿更结实,是大自然对我们的恩 赐。他在康奈尔的博士论文的课题,是如何找到一个更好的方法,让奶牛和羊长得更快。当时他试图改进饲养方法,以便生产更多的动物蛋白。他认为动物蛋白是 “优良营养”的基础。

   早年的坎贝尔一直处在一种思维定式中,并且试图通过鼓励摄入更多的肉类、牛奶和鸡蛋来改善人们的健康。这种想法和他在农场的生活经验是相吻合的。他并愿意 相信美国人的膳食是世界上最好的。在这种教条的信念影响之下,他一直相信:我们所享受的饮食是世界上品质最好的。他早年的研究工作主要集中在黄曲霉毒素和 二恶英上,这是两种被认为有史以业毒性最强的化学物质。



    当时他留意到一份来自印度的研究报告,其中提到了一些惊人的引起争论的相关结果。印度的研究者对两组大鼠进行了对比实验,给其中一组投以致癌的黄曲霉毒 素,同时饲以含20%蛋白质的饲料。20%的蛋白质比例大致相当于西方人膳食中摄入的蛋白质比例。给另一组大鼠投以同样剂量的黄曲霉毒素,但饲料中的蛋白 质含量只有5%。让人难以置信的是,饲以含20%蛋白质的饲料的这组大鼠后来都出现了肝癌的发病迹象,而饲料中含5%蛋白质的这一组大鼠没有任何一只患上 肝癌。肝癌发病率比率为100:0.这一结果无可辩驳地证明了:在控制癌症发病方面,营养比化学致癌物甚至比极强的致癌物的影响更大。

   这个实验与坎贝尔以前所学的一切都是相悖的。“摄入更多的蛋白质并不能让人更健康”,这个结论已经很惊人了,更不要说“高蛋白质摄入促进癌症发病率了”。 这是他职业生涯中的一个转折点。但是在科研工作的早期就深入研究这样一个充满挑战性的问题并不明智的决定。如果他对蛋白质和动物来源食品的价值提出质疑, 即使他的研究能被承认是“有价值的科学工作”,他也不可避免地被看作是一个离经叛道的人。


    他选择在最基础的科学层面上研究癌症发病的生化细节。重要的是,不仅要了解蛋白质是否会诱发癌症,还要了解蛋白质是怎样诱发癌症的。最终,这项为期27年 的研究项目得到最富盛名的、也最有竞争力的资助机构的支持(主要的经费来自国家卫生研究院、美国癌症协会和美国癌症研究所)。他的研究结果顺利地通过了审 核,发表在多家一流的科学刊物上。

    他的发现是惊人的:低蛋白膳食能抑制黄曲霉毒素诱发癌症,与投予动物多大剂量的这种致癌物质无关。而且,即使癌症已经发生,低蛋白膳食也能显著遏制癌症病 情的恶化。换句话说,低蛋白膳食可以显著地抑制这种强致癌性化学物质的致癌作用。事实上,膳食蛋白质对癌症的影响是非常显著的,只需要调整蛋白质的摄入 量,我们就可以激活或者抑制癌症的发生和发展。    

    不是所有的蛋白质都有这样的效果。哪些蛋白质有比较强的促癌效果呢?一个是酷蛋白,这些蛋白质占牛奶蛋白组成的87%。这种蛋白质促进各阶段的癌症。那些 哪些蛋白质即使摄入量很高,也不会诱发癌症呢?安全的蛋白质来自植物,包括小麦和豆类。当这些研究结果浮出水面时,他长久以来一直信奉的一些饮食观念受到 了重大挑战,最终被粉碎了。

    在这些动物研究的基础上,坎贝尔继续去指导生物医学研究史上规模最大最全面难为研究对象的膳食、生活方式与疾病之间关系的研究项目——中国健康调查。这是 由康奈尔大学、牛津大学以及中国预防医学科学院联合开展的一项规模空前的调研项目。《纽约时报》将其称为“流行病学研究的巅峰之作”。该调查项目考察了中 国农村(包括台湾在内)中大量的疾病与膳食及生活方式因素之间的关系,一共得到8000多项具有统计学意主的显著性相关。

    这个项目真正与众不同之处在于,在疾病与膳食的8000多项关系中,许多关系都指向同一个发现:动物性食物摄入最多的人,慢性病最多。即使摄入的动物性蛋 白的量相对较少,也会造成不良的后果。而那些以植物性食物为主的人群身体最健康,容易避免慢性疾病的发生,这些结果不容忽视。事实上,从最早有关动物蛋白 效应的动物实验研究,到大规模的人群膳食模式调查,结果都是一致的,都证明植物为主的膳食和动物为主的膳食对人体健康产生的效应是截然不同的。 

发表于 2008-4-15 22:49:38 | 只看该作者







  黄曲霉素是一种高致癌物,坎贝尔 教授让实验老鼠全部接触同等剂量的黄曲霉素,在体内产生肿瘤病灶细胞。然后,他用含不同蛋白质的饲料喂养大鼠。一组大鼠的饲料中含20%的谷蛋白(植物蛋 白),一组大鼠的饲料中含20%的酪蛋白(动物蛋白,牛奶中87%的蛋白质都是酪蛋白)。




  实验证明:低蛋白膳食(植物蛋 白)能抑制黄曲霉毒素诱发癌症,而且,即使癌症已经发生,低蛋白膳食也能显著地遏制癌症病情的恶化。而高蛋白膳食(动物蛋白)则能对黄曲霉毒素诱发癌症起 到“推波助澜”的作用。事实上,膳食蛋白质对癌症的影响是非常显著的,只需要调整蛋白质的摄入量,就可以激活或者抑制癌症的发生和发展。


  坎贝尔由此得出了植物蛋白和动物 蛋白(牛奶蛋白)优劣判断的惊人结论:“有大量的研究表明,所谓低品质的植物蛋白,尽管用于合成新蛋白质的速度比较慢,但是很稳定,这种蛋白才是最健康的 蛋白,也是身体最需要的蛋白。和动物来源的蛋白质相比,植物蛋白缓慢,但是能稳定地赢得‘健康比赛’的胜利。”




  文章之所以得出这样的结论,就是 根据坎贝尔教授在中国的研究。1983至1989年,在坎贝尔教授的组织下,美国康奈尔大学、英国牛津大学、中国预防医学科学院(现为中国疾病预防与控制 中心)以及中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所等多家权威机构合作,在中国24个省区市的69个县开展了3次关于膳食、生活方式和疾病死亡率的流行病学研究。研究发 现,中国的肥胖者比美国少得多,患心脏病、直肠癌和乳腺癌的比率也比美国少得多,就是因为中国人以植物性食物为主的传统饮食结构。《中国健康调查报告》一书中,很大一部分就是在这一研究结果的基础上写成的。





  坎贝尔教授在题为《东方营养学的 未来及西方营养模式的启迪》的报告中指出,中国人不要重复西方国家在饮食结构不合理方面所付出的代价,特别是美国快餐所引起营养不平衡所导致的肥胖症。坎 贝尔认为,中国人普遍地、大量地饮用牛奶,使动物蛋白质摄入大为增加,也给不断发展的经济带来负面影响,具体表现为营养过剩引起肥胖,继而使心脏病、中风、高血压等疾病的发病率增加,由此导致公共和个人医疗开支逐年递增。

  坎贝尔指出,摄入少量的动物蛋白 是安全的,但如果过量,癌细胞就会被高蛋白“催发”,导致迅速扩散。有些科学家不相信这一结果,做了类似的实验后发现,确实如此。“那么,我的良好健康处 方就是:吃以植物性食物为主的膳食会给健康带来多种益处;吃以动物性食物为主的膳食会给你的身体带来意料不到的危险,此类食品包括奶制品、肉类和鸡蛋。” 坎贝尔教授说。

  黄建始教授认为:“肉、蛋、奶等 动物源性蛋白吃得太多会带来许多健康问题,如肥胖等。但并不等于说人们就不能吃肉、不能喝奶,完全素食。关键是要适当,要平衡,不要过多,任何东西过了都 不好。健康膳食一定要遵循如下要求:营养充分、饮食平衡、热量控制、比例适度、种类多样。”



  其实,任何一种食物关键在于适 度。曾经,我们都懂得“一杯牛奶强健一个民族”,今天,我们也同样应该知道西方专家们的观点。因此,因人而异、适量适度是我们基本的饮食原则。我们希望更 多的营养专家各抒己见,积极参与到如何健康、适量地饮用牛奶的讨论中来,为读者提供更权威、更科学的健康指导。

  向来被人公认为的补钙好东东,营养成份很高。生活中还有哪些癌要注意饮食细节呢?解析宫颈癌与营养的关系 进入》》



  牛奶所含的蛋白质中,大多数是酪 蛋白,酪蛋白是一种大型、坚硬、致密、极难消化分解的凝胶。牛奶进入胃后,会自然形成凝胶,凝胶会形成一种把胃中残存食物包围起来的作用,阻碍其他食物消 化,造成消化不良。消化性溃疡患者,假如摄取乳制品,常会恶化溃疡,因为蛋白质的消化必须靠胃部分泌更多的胃酸(主要是盐酸)及消化酶方能分解消化。酪蛋 白适合含有四个胃结构的牛,利用不断反刍消化分解,方能完全消化。所以我说“牛奶是牛吃的,不是人吃的”。





发表于 2008-4-16 00:34:50 | 只看该作者
引用第42楼deicide2008-03-12 09:17发表的: 4. 动物蛋白的消化比较差,这時会造成一种叫丙酮酸的致癌物质。(这个问题大有文章,是美国一家我忘记名字的大学经40年的研究发现的,里面还涉及醜闻及政治问题,有机会查出来给大家看。) 丙酮酸致癌? 这可是人体正常代谢产物啊…… .......

发表于 2008-4-16 17:59:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-27 06:57:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-27 16:59:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-5-4 14:33:56 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-6-10 13:23:26 | 只看该作者
引用第60楼sam神2008-04-27 16:59发表的:


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