引用第6楼leo_ju于2008-05-26 16:29发表的:
So many motor-accidents happen every day in every part of the world.So is the cycling.
ride-safe, !??? Sometimes it's what cyclists cannot control. Evey mover share the road should be responsable.
Your first post in BikeHome and you waste it here in the English forums? I highly suspect you're someone's 马甲...
PLEASE READ THE NEWS PROPERLY before replying, it's clearly indicated that the driver stop DELIBERATELY (and just in case you do not know what DELIBERATELY means; it's 刻意,故意)in front of the riders... so is that the riders fault or the driver?
Again, "ride-safe" is a type of sign-off... meaning that you wish who ever that reads your post to ride safely, it's not intended on the subject matter.