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发表于 2007-9-7 17:01:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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第12 ~ 13页

Read the philosophy statement again. Notice that it doesn’t “train with the least amount of miles.” Another way to state it might be “use your training time wisely.” For those of us with full-time jobs, spouses, children, a home to maintain, and other responsibilities, using training time wisely is more than a philosophy; it’s a necessity.
What this means is that there are times when it’s right to do higher volume training, but not necessarily the highest possible. This is usually in the Base (general preparation) period of training. There are also times when high volume is not wise, but faster, more race-specific training is right. These are the Build and Peak (specific preparation) periods. (Periods are explained in Chapter 7.)
这个意思就是说有时候进行较大量的训练是必要的,但不一定要达到可能的最大量。这通常发生在训练的基础期(一般的准备阶段)。但同时有时候大量的训练并不聪明,而是更快的速度,更多的比赛专门训练才是正确的。这发生在发展期和高峰期(特殊的准备项目)。 (时期在第7章中有解释.)
While it seems so simple, there are many who can’t seem to get it right. They put in lots of miles when they should be trying to get faster. And when they should be building a base of general fitness, they’re going fast – usually in group hammer sessions.
当它似乎是如此简单时,却似乎有很多人无法正确的实施。当他们应该设法提高速度时,他们却增加许多骑行的里程数。并且当他们应该建立一个一般的体质基础时,他们却骑的非常的快 - 通常在撞墙期里发生(group hammer sessions无法正确翻译)。
So what do you use to gauge your progress – how tired you are or how fast you are? If it’s the former you’re doomed to a career of less-than-stellar racing. Once you figure out that fatigue gets in the way of getting faster and you make the necessary changes, you’ll be flying.
因此你如何来评估你的进度呢?- 你是以你有多快或你有多累?如果是前者的话你将注定要成为一个二级比赛的专业车手(less-than-stallar无法正确翻译)。一旦你能领悟到疲劳会阻碍你的速度而你做出必要的改变,你将开始起飞。
The 10 commandments of Training
To help you better understand this training philosophy I have broken it down into the “10 Commandments of Training.” By incorporating each of these guidelines into your thinking and training, you’ll be following this philosophy and getting a better return on your time invested. Your results will also improve regardless of your age or experience.
Commandment 1 – Train Moderately
第1戒律 - 适度的训练
Your body had limits when it comes to endurance, speed, and strength. Don’t try too often to find them. Instead, train within those limits most of the time. Finish most workout feeling like you could have done more. It may mean stopping a session earlier than planned. That’s okay. Do not always try to finish exhausted.
Muscles will only contract forcefully a certain number of times before they refuse to pull hard again. When glycogen, the body’s storage form of carbohydrate energy, begins go run low, no amount of willpower can fuel the body. Slowing down is the only option. If such limits are approached frequently and over a long enough period of time, the body’s ability to adapt is exceeded, recovery is greatly delayed, and training consistency is interrupted.
肌肉在强力收缩一定次数之后将无法再继续用力的拉缩。当体内所储存由碳水化合物转化而成的糖原开始消耗变低时,是无法借由意志力来补充身体所缺乏的能量。 减速将是是唯一的选择。如果过度频繁且长期的达到这种极限,身体的适应能力将会过载,恢复所需的时间将会大大的延后,并且训练的连贯性将会被打断。
The biggest mistake of most athletes is to make the easy days too hard, so when it comes time for a hard training day, they can’t go hard enough. This leads to mediocre training, fitness, and performance. The higher your fitness lever, the greater the difference between the intensities of hard and easy days.
Many cyclists also think that pushing hard all the time will make them tough. They believe that willpower and strength of character can overcome nature and speed up their body’s cellular changes. Don’t try it – more hard training is seldom the answer. An organism adapts best when stresses are slightly increased. That’s why you’ve often heard the admonition to increase training volume by no more than 10 percent from week to week. Even this may be high for some.
很多骑手也都认为不停止的逼迫自己锻炼能够使他们变得更强壮。他们相信意志力和个性能战胜自然并且加速他们身体细胞的改变。不要去尝试它 - 更多的大运动量训练是少有的答案。当压力被稍微地提高时,是生物体适应的最好状况。这就是为什么你会经常听到不要在一周内增加超过百分之十训练量的警告。实际上这种量对一些人来说可能太高了。
By progressing carefully, especially with intensity, you’ll gradually get stronger and there will be time and energy for other pursuits in life. An athlete who enjoys training will get far more benefits from it than one who is always on the edge of overtraining.
The self-coached cyclist must learn to think objectively and unemotionally. It should be as if you are two people – one is the rider and the other is the coach. The coach must be in charge. When the rider says, “Do More,” the coach should question whether that’s wise. Doubt is a good enough reason to discontinue the session. When it doubt – leave it out.
自我辅导的骑手必须学习客观及不动情感的思考模式。这应该就好比你是两个人 - 一个是骑手,而另一个则是教练。教练必须负责在骑手说“我可以再多骑一些”时,提出质疑,不管这个质疑聪明与否,怀疑是中断训练周期的足够理由。当怀疑产生时 – 就停止吧。
Do every workout conservatively, but with a cocky attitude. When the coach stops the hill repeats as just the right time, and the rider says, “I could have done more,” stopping is not a loss – It’s a victory.
在每次高强度的训练时,以自信的态度保存一些体力。当教练在适当的时间停止爬坡训练时,而骑手却说“我可以再多骑一些”,停止并不是一个损失 - 它是一项胜利。
Commandment 2 – Train consistently
第2戒律 - 一贯的训练
The human body thrives on routine. Develop a training pattern that stays mostly the same from week to week – regular activity brings positive change. This does not mean do the same workout every day, week after week. Variety also promotes growth. Later in this book you’ll see that there are actually slight changes being made throughout the training year. Some of the changes are seemingly minor. You may not even be aware of them, as then an extra hour is added to the training week during the base-building period.
人体在例行的训练中逐渐的茁壮。开发出一种在每一周大致相同的训练模式 - 有规律的活动将会带来正面的改变。这并不表示每天或每周都做相同的训练。这本书稍后也将提出项目的变化并增加篇幅,你将会看见实际上在整个年度训练期间是有轻微的变化的。一些改变似乎微不足道。你或许甚至于没有察觉它们,就像在基础期期间的周训练中增加一小时的额外训练时间。
Breaks in consistency usually result from not following the Moderation Commandment. Overdoing a workout or week of training is likely to cause excessive fatigue, illness, burnout, or injury. Fitness is not stagnant – you’re either getting better or getting worse all the time. Frequently missing workouts mean a loss of fitness. This doesn’t mean, however, you should work out when ill. There are times when breaks are necessary. For example, what choice do you typically make when you:
打断了训练的一贯性通常会造成无法遵守“适度训练”的戒律。过分的高强度训练或周训练可能会引起过度的疲劳,生病,力竭或者受伤。体能是不会停滞的 – 你要嘛变得更强,要嘛变得更弱。经常错过高强度训练代表体能的退步。这并不是意味着,你必须在生病时照样做高强度训练。有时休息是必要的。例如,当有下列哪种情况时你会选择休息:

    Feel tired, but have a hard workout planned?
    感到疲倦,但却有高强度训练的计划?
    Are afraid of losing fitness while taking time off even though you feel wasted?
    害怕在暂停下来时体能会退步,即使你感到这是一种浪费?
    Believe your competition is putting in more training time than you?
    相信你的竞争对手正投入更多的训练时间?
    Feel like your training partners are riding too fast?
    感到你的陪练似乎骑的太快?
    Sense there is only one interval left in you?
    感觉这里只有一段间隔留给你?(无法正确翻译)
    Think you could do more, but aren’t sure?
    认为你能骑的更久,但又不确定?

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发表于 2007-9-8 00:03:56 | 只看该作者
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