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[公告] 8/18 联赛第五场比赛公告

发表于 2007-8-13 23:18:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Welcome to the TT race # 2!

Shanghai Bicycle Race Series: 5th Race




请您特别注意以下事项Special items for your attention

所有比赛贯彻安全第一的原则。在上几次比赛中均有数起事故发生,故请特别注意安全。同时请注意比赛为自发性质,并没有某个组织为比赛产生的事故负责,所以您须对自己的行为负责。Safety is the most important in all our races.  In each of the last few races, there have been several accidents.  Please pay particular attention to safety:  Also note that the races are voluntarily organized, there is no organization to take responsibility for any results, and you are responsible for your own actions.

l         头盔需正确佩戴,防止在冲撞时掉落。虽然天气炎热,但参赛者必须带头盔,热身时同样需要。Helmets should fit snuggly and not fall off in a crash.  The weather will be hot, but helmets must be worn, even in warm-up.

l         比赛线路可能会有汽车,自行车,行人,或其他危险的现象;请你们特别留意。There may be cars, bicycles, pedestrians, or other hazards on the roads, please pay particular attention to the traffic.

l         比赛进行中,只有该项比赛选手能在场中。比赛当中跟着参加比赛的人一起骑不但会有安全的问题,也会给记时间带来一些困难.  During the race, the circuit in open only to the racers.  Riding together with the racers not only creates safety hazards and drafting violations, it also creates difficulties in timekeeping.

l         不能带I-POD, MP3等随身音乐设备。No I-Pods, MP3s or other musical instruments are allowed. 



1.        Race timing: Saturday, Aug 18th, 2007   比赛时间:2007818日,星期六

l         Meet at German center在德国中心集中                    6:50 A.M.

l         Arrival at race course - 到达比赛场地:                          

l         Sign-in – 比赛签到:                                                     

l         W time trial - W计时                                             8:30 A.M.

l         B time trial - B计时:                                             

l         MTB time trial - 山地计时:                                   

l         A time trial - A计时                                                9:00 A.M.

l         Team time trial - 团计时赛                                            10:00 A.M.

l         Awards ceremony - 颁奖仪式:                                      

In case of rain, race will be delayed to following day, Sunday, August 19th.


2.        Meeting Location & Transportation - 集合地点与交通

Sign-in and staging area at the race site (Shanghai Airport Championship Course).


We will meet at  German Center, then we will go together to the race course.


3.     Race Type, Location and Route - 比赛类型,地点和线路

Race type:  Individual Time Trial, followed by Team Time Trial


Location:    Shanghai Airport Championship Course


Ÿ       Cat W: 女子组:     1 lap, each lap 6 km, total 6 km.        1圈,每圈6 公里,总共6公里

Ÿ       Cat B: B组:           2 laps, each lap 6 km, total 12 km.    2圈,每圈6公里,总共12公里

Ÿ       Cat MTB: 山地组: 2 laps, each lap 6 km, total 12 km.    2圈,每圈6公里,总共12公里

Ÿ       Cat A: A组:           3 laps, each lap 6 km, total 18 km.    3圈,每圈6公里,总共18 公里

Ÿ       Team: 团队计时赛: 1 lap, each lap 6 km, total 6 km.     1圈,每圈6 公里,总共6公里


Team time trial: Four riders per team, drafting is allowed within the team only.  The team time will be recorded as the time of the third racer to cross the finish line.  Riders must register as a category (W, B, MTB, or A) but may choose to participate in either the individual time trial, the team time trial, or both.  Teams should be formed by participants and reported at the starting line.  No team awards will be given.  团队计时赛:每队要四个人,第三个人的结束时间算作为团队的成绩。要参加团队计时赛的选手必须报名参加一个组(女子, B, 山地, A) 可以只参加个人计时赛或团队计时赛, 或者两个都参加。 在团队计时赛快要开始之前自由组合队伍,并告知裁判。这次比赛不设团体奖杯。

Racers will start in 30 second intervals.  NO DRAFTING IS ALLOWED.  A 30 second time penalty will be assessed to each occurrence of drafting, and the organizers have the option of disqualifying the rider.  No sprinters points. 个人计时赛:每隔30秒出发一个人。不准跟骑,否则会加30秒的惩罚,还有可能取消比赛资格。

4.    Race Rules比赛规则

a)         Safety first.  No action that violates this spirit or puts other racers in danger will be allowed. 安全第一。任何有违该原则或危及其他选手安全的行为将被禁止。

b)        All traffic laws and other government rules and regulations must be obeyed at all times. 必须遵守交通法规及其他由政府制定的相关法律法规。

c)        Helmets are required of all riders at all times in the race. 所有比赛中必须正确佩戴头盔。

d)        I-POD, MP3s and other such electronic devices are not allowed. 禁止携带I-PODMP3等电子设备。

e)         Numbers will be assigned to each participant.  The participant should pin the number on his/her jersey for the duration of the race, and return the number to the race organizer after completing the race. 每个选手将收到号码牌。选手应在整个比赛过程中将号码牌别在骑行服上,并在赛后归还号码牌。

f)         For “Category A” and “Category B” racers, only road bikes will be allowed.  For “Category MTB” racers, only mountain bikes will also be allowed.  For all categories, time trial bicycles and aero bars will be allowed only in time trial races.  Recumbent bicycles, tandems, and other bicycles will be considered non-conforming and not allowed to enter any race. 只有公路车可以参加A组和B组的比赛。只有山地车可以参加山地组比赛。对于所有组别,计时赛车只能用于计时赛。躺车、三轮车和其他种类的自行车将被视为不合规则,不允许参加任何比赛。

g)        Proper maintenance of the bicycle and safety rests solely on the participant.  Any bicycle found to be in non-safe condition will not be allowed to enter the race. 参赛选手全权对车辆的正确保养和安全负责。如发现状况不佳危及安全的自行车,将不允许其参赛。

h)        Drafting within each category is allowed in all races with the exception of time trials.  For criterium or lap races, lapped riders may continue riding but may not draft riders who have lapped them.  Riders who have been lapped three times should withdraw from the race. 除计时赛外,所有比赛均允许跟车。在绕圈赛中,被套圈的选手可以继续比赛,但不能跟骑超过他们的选手。被套圈三次应退出比赛。

i)          Disqualification or time penalties will be performed at the sole discretion of the race volunteers. 除名或罚时将由比赛志愿者作出判罚。

5. Registration - 报名注册 

First time participants need to complete the following registration form.  Note that registration information may be shared with race sponsors.  A signed waiver will be required at the race course, which will remain in effect for all 2007 races. 首次报名的参赛者须完整填写下列表格。请注意:报名信息可能会被提供给赞助商。在比赛日须签署一张免责声明,该声明将在2007赛季全部的比赛中具有效力



Email address电子邮件:


Telephone number电话号码:


Emergency contact & phone # 紧急联系人和电话号码:


Birth date出生日期:




Bicycle type (road, MTB) 自行车种类:(公路/山地):


Category (A, B, MTB, W)

 期望组别:(A组,B, MTB组或是W组):


Will you join the team time trial?  你会参加团计时赛吗?

Register for category in above box 要报名一个组

Please email registration forms to shbikerace@gmail.com 要参加比赛的选手须以电子邮件形式提交报名表,请寄给shbikerace@gmail.com.


Registration forms must be received by  Thursday Aug 16th, 2007. Race day registration will not be accepted. 报名截止时间为816星期四半夜12点整。本次比赛不接受现场报名。

Registration fee报名费用为

l         Cat A - A                               RMB20

l         Cat B & MTB - B,MTB      RMB10

l         Cat W - W                            Free. 免费

Fee is payable at the race sign-in.  可在比赛签到时付费。


























Aug 18 Race Announcement.rar

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