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各位参赛选手, 由于卡车不能进入内环线内,所以我们不得不将搭车地点改为:长宁路/遵义路口,车子会停在遵义路上,离原定的上车地点大约5分钟(骑车沿长宁路向西,过了高架之后的丁字路口便是)。在原定上车地点会有志愿者为你指路。对带来的不便,我们表示抱歉。 Dear partipants, Inner-ring area of downtown (where Zhongshan Park is) forbids trucks, so we have to change the pick-up location. The new pick-up location is Chang Ning Rd./ Zun Yi Rd.(it's a T intersection), the buses and the truck will be parked on Zun Yi Rd. Ride west along Chang Ning Rd. for about 5 minutes, you'll see the T intersection as soon as you passed the elevated road (inner-ring elevated road). The volunteers will show you the way at the original pick-up location. Sorry for the inconvenience.