Circuit Criterium Race
This race is part of a bigger event called Tianma Speed and Culture. The event schedule may be viewed at http://www.stc2002.com/newshow.asp?id=782. FHL has been assigned two one-hour time slots. It is very important that we are punctual and be ready to race when the track is free for us to use. The distance might be shortened if we run into time constraints. 本次比赛为天马论驾(暨天马赛车文化节)的一部分。关于活动安排可见于http://www.stc2002.com/newshow.asp?id=782。我们有两个一小时的上场比赛时间。所以做好充分准备以便在赛道一空出来就上场比赛是非常重要的! 如果时间紧张,比赛距离可能会被缩短。
Entrance: All participants of our race are granted free entrance to the race track. Please look for FHL representative outside the gate. (Entrance fee is normally RMB 150)
A special thanks to Trek for their sponsorship
1. Race timing: Saturday, May 3rd , 2008 比赛时间:2008年5月3日, 星期六
Puxi meeting time for bus - 浦西搭车时间 Pick-up location – 上车地点 Bikes are loaded by truck, if necessary please wrap the frame or parts in case of scratches. 自行车由卡车运输,如有必要清包裹车架以免划伤 Please arrive early to allow for loading bicycles请提早到达以便装载自行车 | 05:15 ~ 05:45 |
Arrival at race course 到达比赛场地 | 6:30 ~ 6:45 |
Category B, W, MTB sign-in B组、女子组、山地组签到 | 7:00 ~ 7:30 |
Free Practice 热身 | 7.30 ~ 7.50 |
Race briefing & instructions 赛前公告 | 7:55 |
Category B-race start B组比赛开始 | 8:00 |
Category W-race start 女子组比赛开始 | 8:02 |
Category MTB-race start 山地组比赛开始 | 8:02 |
Award Ceremony B, W and MTB races B组、女子组、山地组颁奖 | 9.15 |
Category A sign-in A组签到 | 10.00 – 11.00 |
Line – up in pit lane 在维修道列队 | 11.30 |
Race briefing & instructions 赛前公告 | 11.45 |
Category A race start A组比赛开始 | 11:50 |
Award Ceremony A race A组颁奖 | 13:00 |
The race will be held regardless of the weather conditions. 本场比赛风雨无阻!
2. Race Location 比赛地点
3. Race Type, Location and Route 比赛类型,地点和线路
Race type: Circuit Race比赛类型:
Category 组别 | Distance per lap (km) 单圈距离 | Number of laps 圈数 | Total Distance (km) 总距离 | Sprints 冲刺圈 |
MTB | 2.063 | 8 | 16.504 | None |
W | 2.063 | 3 | 6.189 | None |
B | 2.063 | 12 | 24.756 | lap #6 |
A | 2.063 | 16 | 33.008 | lap #6 & lap#12 |
Rolling start 安全车领跑第一圈
Category A and B will use rolling start after pace car. First lap follow the pace car. The pace car will drive into the pit after first lap, just before the Start line. The rolling lap is counted as a lap.
Lapped riders. 被套圈的车手
Riders are only allowed to draft riders on the same lap count. (Lapped riders cannot draft riders lapping them and riders who are lapping other riders are not allowed to use their draft).
Shortening of the race. 缩短比赛
In case of time constraints the race may be shortened. Pay attention to the lap count by finish line. By last passing of the finish line there will be a bell ringing indicating final lap, which could be earlier than scheduled if necessary.
Attention 注意!
First corner after Start and Finish is a 180 degree hairpin. Pay attention to give way to riders on the inside.出发后第一个弯是180度发卡弯。注意给内道的选手让道。
4. Race Rules比赛规则
a) Safety first. No action that violates this spirit or puts other racers in danger will be allowed. 安全第一。任何有违该原则或危及其他选手安全的行为将被禁止。
b) All traffic laws and other government rules and regulations must be obeyed at all times. 必须遵守交通法规及其他由政府制定的相关法律法规。
c) Helmets are required of all riders at all times in the race. 所有比赛中必须正确佩戴头盔。
d) Numbers will be assigned to each participant. The participant should pin the number on his/her jersey for the duration of the race, and return the number to the race organizer after completing the race. 每个选手将收到号码牌。选手应在整个比赛过程中将号码牌别在骑行服上,并在赛后归还号码牌。
e) For “Category A” and “Category B” racers, only road bikes will be allowed. For “Category MTB” racers, only mountain bikes will also be allowed. For all categories, time trial bicycles and aero bars will be allowed only in time trial races. Recumbent bicycles, tandems, and other bicycles will be considered non-conforming and not allowed to enter any race. 只有公路车可以参加A组和B组的比赛。只有山地车可以参加山地组比赛。对于所有组别,计时赛车只能用于计时赛。躺车、三轮车和其他种类的自行车将被视为不合规则,不允许参加任何比赛。
f) Proper maintenance of the bicycle and safety rests solely on the participant. Any bicycle found to be in non-safe condition will not be allowed to enter the race. 参赛选手全权对车辆的正确保养和安全负责。如发现状况不佳危及安全的自行车,将不允许其参赛。
g) Drafting within each category is allowed in all races with the exception of time trials. For Circuit or lap races, lapped riders may continue riding but may not draft riders who have lapped them. Riders who have been lapped three times should withdraw from the race. 除计时赛外,所有比赛均允许跟车。在绕圈赛中,被套圈的选手可以继续比赛,但不能跟骑超过他们的选手。被套圈三次应退出比赛。
h) No IPODs, MP3s or other musical instruments or communication devices are allowed. 不能带IPOD, MP3等随身音乐设备和通信设备。
i) Disqualification or time penalties will be performed at the sole discretion of the race volunteers. 除名或罚时将由比赛志愿者作出判罚。
5. Registration - 报名注册
Registration forms must be received by midnight Tuesday, April 29th. Race day registration will not be accepted. 报名截止时间为4月29日星期二半夜12点整。本次比赛不接受现场报名。
First time participants need to complete the following registration form. Repeat riders need to register with their name and number only. Note that registration information may be shared with race sponsors. A signed waiver will be required at the race course, which will remain in effect for all 2008 races. 首次报名的参赛者须完整填写下列表格。第二次报名的选手只须提供姓名和号码。请注意:报名信息可能会被提供给赞助商。在比赛日须签署一张免责声明,该声明将在2008赛季全部的比赛中具有效力。
For team registration, please assign a team captain to register for the whole team. Please provide the team name and the riders’ names if the team has registered before. For new team or new riders in the registered team, please fill in the form below and attach it to the e-mail.
Name姓名:(中文姓名请同时注上拼音) |
Email address电子邮件: |
How many persons will need transportation? 需要搭车的人数 |
Telephone number电话号码: |
Emergency contact & phone # 紧急联系人和电话号码: |
Birth date出生日期: |
Nationality or province国籍/户籍: |
Category (A, B, MTB, W) 期望组别:(A组,B组, MTB组或是W组): |
Bicycle type (road, MTB) 自行车种类:(公路/山地): |
Team name 队名: |
Number on team (e.g., 1, 2, 3…)车队编号 |
Please email registration forms to shbikerace@gmail.com 要参加比赛的选手须以电子邮件形式提交报名表,请寄给电邮地址为shbikerace@gmail.com
Registration can also be done at Trek Shanghai选手也可以前往崔克上海专卖店进行报名注册.
上海市长宁路1435号 (021) 5206-1767
Chang Ning Road#1435Fees (payable at the race sign-in)费用为 (可在比赛签到时付费)。
l Number 号码牌 RMB 10 (first time only仅初次; replacement补发 RMB 20)
l Cat A - A组 RMB 20
l Cat B & MTB - B组,MTB组 RMB 10
l Cat W - W组 Free. 免费
l Transportation 车费 RMB 20
All participants must sign the following form prior to participation. Copies of the form will be available at the race site for review and signature. 所有参赛者须在参赛前签署下列表格。赛场将提供该表的复印件供阅读和签署。
Waiver, Release and Consent - 同意免责/放弃追究权利声明
The bicycle races are not an official event and are not hosted by any organization. Volunteers are involved in helping with the race and shall not have any liability. All risks associated with joining the race are solely borne by the participant. I make the following representations and agreements上海联赛不是正式的比赛,亦非由任何组织举办。前来帮忙的志愿者不应该承担任何责任。一切参赛可能带来的风险将完全由参赛者本人承担。我做出以下声明并遵守如下约定:
Ÿ I agree to wear a helmet while riding in this event and to ride in a safe and controlled manner. 我同意在比赛中佩戴头盔,并且以自制的、对安全负责的态度参加比赛。
Ÿ I fully realize the dangers of participating in a bicycle event and fully assume the risks associated with such participation including but not limited to the dangers of collision with pedestrians, vehicles, other participants and fixed or moving objects; the dangers arising from surface hazards, equipment failure, inadequate safety equipment and weather conditions; and the possibility of serious injury. 我完全认识到参加自行车比赛的危险,并且愿意承担参加比赛所可能带来的风险,例如:与行人、机动车、其他参赛者和正在移动或是静止的物体相撞;由道路状况、器材装备的故障、安全装备的不足和天气原因引起的危险;以及因此可能造成的严重伤害。
Ÿ I and my family members agree to waive, release and discharge any and all liability against everyone associated with this event, including all volunteers, for both physical and property damage. 如遇人身和财产损失,我和我的家庭成员同意放弃追究包括志愿者在内的任何与比赛有关人员的任何和所有的责任。
Ÿ I agree it is my sole responsibility to be familiar with the event course, and all rules and regulations of the event. I understand and agree unexpected or dangerous situations may arise during the event, and I must act in a manner neither endanger myself nor others. I accept responsibility for the condition and adequacy of my equipment. I have no physical or medical condition which, to my knowledge, would endanger myself or others if I participate in this event, or would interfere with my ability to participate in this event. 我同意:熟悉比赛场地、所有比赛规则和法规是我个人的责任。我理解并同意在比赛时可能会有意外或危险发生,且我一定不会做出伤害自己或他人的举动。我同意对我自己的装备器材之维护保养和准备负责。据我所知,我没有生理或健康方面的问题,如果参赛,不会因此危害到我自己和他人的安全,也不会因此影响我正常参加比赛的能力
Ÿ This is an unofficial event and I understand that no insurance of any kind is provided. Should I desire insurance, I will purchase it myself, which in no way creates any liability on behalf of race volunteers. 这是一项非正式的赛事,我了解比赛不提供任何形式的保险。如果我需要保险,我将自行购买,从而不会要求比赛的志愿者承担任何责任。
This declaration shall remain in effect for the entire 2008 season or until revoked in writing by participant.
Signature签名: Name姓名:
Date日子: Race Number参赛号码:
355 KB, 下载次数: 21
引用第9楼小帅于2008-04-25 23:00发表的:
引用第2楼探马于2008-04-25 22:09发表的:
05:15 ~ 05:45上车啊!乖乖!我住浦东啊,看来要3点多起来了!
引用第19楼爱骑车的小孩于2008-04-26 21:22发表的:
引用第22楼gorden于2008-04-26 22:10发表的:
浦东的半夜有摆渡么? 貌似1小时1班?
引用第19楼爱骑车的小孩于2008-04-26 21:22发表的:
引用第25楼番薯于2008-04-27 16:14发表的:
Category B-race start B组比赛开始
引用第26楼探马于2008-04-27 18:26发表的: 照4月19号的比赛成绩看,B组前几名会把大部分车友都套住…… 大家加油啊……
引用第22楼gorden于2008-04-26 22:10发表的:
浦东的半夜有摆渡么? 貌似1小时1班?
引用第37楼MichaelLee于2008-04-30 19:03发表的:
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