1. Race timing:
l Meet at German center and departure从德国中心出发时间 7:00 A.M.
l Arrival at race course - 到达比赛场地: 7:30 A.M.
l Sign-in – 比赛签到: 7:30 A.M. – 8:00 A.M.
l Category B & MTB race - B组和山地组比赛: 8:15 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.
- “B” race starts first, followed 2 minutes later by the “MTB” race
- B组先开始,山地组2分钟后出发
l Category A & W race - A组和W组比赛 10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.
- “A” race starts first, followed 2 minutes later by the “W” race
- A组先出发,女子组2分钟后出发
l Awards ceremony - 颁奖仪式: 11:45 P.M. – 12:15 P.M.
In case of rain, race will be postponed to a date yet to be defined.
2. Meeting Location & Transportation - 集合地点与交通
Sign-in and staging area is inside “Shanghai Jinqiao South Export Processing Zone”, entrance on
The bunch meet at 6.50AM German Center, then we will go together to the race course.
3. Race Type, Location and Route - 比赛类型,地点和线路
Race type: Point race-criterium
Ÿ Cat A: 15 laps, each lap 3.05 km, total 45.750 km.
Ÿ A组: 15圈,每圈3.05公里,总共45.750 公里。
Ÿ Cat B: 10 laps, each lap 3.05 km, total 30.500 km.
Ÿ B组: 10圈,每圈3.05公里,总共30.500公里。
Ÿ Cat MTB: 6 laps, each lap 3.05 km, total 18.150 km.
山地组: 6圈,每圈3.05公里,总共18.150公里。
Ÿ Cat W: 3 laps, each lap 3.05 km, total 9.150 km.
女子组: 3圈,每圈3.05公里,总共9.150公里。
NOTE: Draft is ONLY allowed among racers. NEVER draft behind vehicles or motorcycles.
4. Race Rules比赛规则
a) Safety first. No action that violates this spirit or puts other racers in danger will be allowed. 安全第一。任何有违该原则或危及其他选手安全的行为将被禁止。
b) All traffic laws and other government rules and regulations must be obeyed at all times. 必须遵守交通法规及其他由政府制定的相关法律法规。
c) Helmets are required of all riders at all times in the race. 所有比赛中必须正确佩戴头盔。
d) IPODs, MP3s and other such electronic devices are not allowed. 禁止携带IPOD、MP3等电子设备。
e) Numbers will be assigned to each participant. The participant should pin the number on his/her jersey for the duration of the race, and return the number to the race organizer after completing the race. 每个选手将收到号码牌。选手应在整个比赛过程中将号码牌别在骑行服上,并在赛后归还号码牌。
f) For “Category A” and “Category B” racers, only road bikes will be allowed. For “Category MTB” racers, only mountain bikes will also be allowed. For all categories, time trial bicycles and aero bars will be allowed only in time trial races. Recumbent bicycles, tandems, and other bicycles will be considered non-conforming and not allowed to enter any race. 只有公路车可以参加A组和B组的比赛。只有山地车可以参加山地组比赛。对于所有组别,计时赛车只能用于计时赛。躺车、三轮车和其他种类的自行车将被视为不合规则,不允许参加任何比赛。
g) Proper maintenance of the bicycle and safety rests solely on the participant. Any bicycle found to be in non-safe condition will not be allowed to enter the race. 参赛选手全权对车辆的正确保养和安全负责。如发现状况不佳危及安全的自行车,将不允许其参赛。
h) Drafting within each category is allowed in all races with the exception of time trials. For criterium or lap races, lapped riders may continue riding but may not draft riders who have lapped them. Riders who have been lapped three times should withdraw from the race. 除计时赛外,所有比赛均允许跟车。在绕圈赛中,被套圈的选手可以继续比赛,但不能跟骑超过他们的选手。被套圈三次应退出比赛。
i) Disqualification or time penalties will be performed at the sole discretion of the race volunteers. 除名或罚时将由比赛志愿者作出判罚。
5. Registration - 报名注册
First time participants need to complete the following registration form. Note that registration information may be shared with race sponsors. A signed waiver will be required at the race course, which will remain in effect for all 2007 races. 首次报名的参赛者须完整填写下列表格。请注意:报名信息可能会被提供给赞助商。在比赛日须签署一张免责声明,该声明将在2007赛季全部的比赛中具有效力。
Name姓名:(中文姓名请同时注上拼音) |
Email address电子邮件: |
Telephone number电话号码: |
Emergency contact & phone # 紧急联系人和电话号码: |
Birth date出生日期: |
Nationality国籍: |
Bicycle type (road, MTB) 自行车种类:(公路/山地): |
Category (A, B, MTB, W) 期望组别:(A组,B组, MTB组或是W组): |
How many persons will need transportation? 需要搭车的人数 |
Please email registration forms to Kaiyuan at shbikerace@gmail.com 要参加比赛的选手须以电子邮件形式提交报名表,请寄给王开元,电邮地址为shbikerace@gmail.com
Registration can also be done at Trek Shanghai选手也可以前往崔克上海专卖店进行报名注册.
West Xianxia Road, No.4, Lane 7, 上海市仙霞西路7弄4号 021-5218-1619
Chang Ning Road #1435 上海市长宁路1435号 021-5206-1767
Fuxing Road #1080 上海市复兴东路1080号 021-6366-3137
Jinqiao Biyun Road #168 上海市碧云路168号 021-5030-9251
Registration forms must be received by midnight
Registration fee报名费用为
l Cat A - A组 RMB20
l Cat B & MTB - B组,MTB组 RMB10
l Cat W - W组 Free. 免费
Fee is payable at the race sign-in. 可在比赛签到时付费。
请您特别注意以下事项Special items for your attention
所有比赛贯彻安全第一的原则。在上两次比赛中均有数起事故发生,故请特别注意安全。同时请注意比赛为自发性质,并没有某个组织为比赛产生的事故负责,所以您须对自己的行为负责。Safety is the most important in all our races. In each of the last two races, there have been several accidents. Please pay particular attention to safety: Also note that the races are voluntarily organized, there is no organization to take responsibility for any results, you are responsible for your own actions.
l 头盔需正确佩戴,防止在冲撞时掉落。虽然天气炎热,但参赛者必须带头盔,热身时同样需要。Helmets should fit snuggly and not fall off in a crash. The weather will be hot, but helmets must be worn, even in warm-up.
l 由于转弯角度可能很大及道路狭窄,所有赛前热身必须依顺时钟方向进行。Due to sharp corners and narrow roads, pre-race warm-up must be completed clock-wise.
l 比赛进行中,只有该项比赛选手能在场中。例如B组跟山地组比赛时,A组跟女子组禁止进入比赛场地。During the race, the circuit in open only to the racers. Racers A and W are not allowed to warm up on the circuit during the B and MTB race.
l 避免可能危及同行车队选手的边路突然行为,位于车队前部或中部时不得刹车。Avoid sudden sideways movements which may endanger the peleton; and do not brake while in the front or middle of the peleton.
l 不能带IPOD, MP3等随身音乐设备。No IPODs, MP3s or other musical instruments are allowed.
l 在终点线前200米无故刹车或摇晃将被视作危险举动,立即取消比赛资格!没有通融!Unjustified breaking or swaying in the last 200m before finish line, like all other dangerous behavior means immediate disqualification. No appeal.
l 使用管胎的选手必须确保已经用胶水正确粘合。比赛组织者将做随机检查。Racers using tubulars must make sure these are correctly glued on the rim. The race organizer will be performing random checks.
| | | | | 上海FHL自行车俱乐部 2007年度冠军赛 | | | | | |
还剩9圈的时候(即第1圈冲刺时),前5名可获得积分分别为: 15, 14, 12, 9 和 5
还剩8圈的时候(即第2圈冲刺时): 16, 15, 13, 10 和6
还剩7圈的时候(即第3圈冲刺时): 17, 16, 14, 11 和 7
还剩1圈的时候(即第9圈冲刺时): 23, 22, 20, 17 和13
最后一圈: 24, 23, 21, 18 和 14
引用第2楼贝多芬于2007-10-04 20:39发表的:
引用第4楼闪电中于2007-10-04 21:07发表的:
引用第5楼贝多芬于2007-10-04 21:11发表的:
引用第8楼贝多芬于2007-10-04 21:38发表的:
引用第17楼小帅于2007-10-09 02:29发表的:
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