xanadu004 发表于 2012-7-17 13:37:56


本帖最后由 xanadu004 于 2012-7-17 13:38 编辑

招募精英加入Specialized闪电如您对以下岗位有兴趣,nina.yuan@specialized.com]请发送您的个人简历到nina.yuan@specialized.com或者致电+86-21-33821660 * 1010 谢谢。 StoreSales 店面销售 – 若干工作地点:上海l   有体育零售行业工作经验者优先;l   亲切热情的个性;l   能用英语交流者优先l   具备自行车知识者优先 InternalSales 内部销售 – 1人工作地点:上海
岗位职责:l了解市场,准确把握市场同类产品的价格定位l能准确传达公司市场走向和最新产品,及时反馈经销商的需求。l熟悉销售流程,与相关部门同事沟通合作,确保订单顺利执行。 l跟踪客户订单,及时向客户反馈订单进展情况,提高客户满意度。 l定期对客户回访,了解并挖掘客户新需求,管理维护客户关系。任职资格:l大专以上学历,有2-3年渠道维护销售经验,热爱自行车行业,有自行车行业工作背景优先。l协调沟通能力、学习能力、适应能力优秀。l有良好的英语听说读写能力。l良好的团队合作意识、客户服务意识强。
Marketing Manager – 1人Location: Shanghai, ChinaREPORTS TOManaging DirectorSUMMARYThe Marketing Manager is responsible fordeveloping all marketing strategies, creating programs and deliverables andtelling the stories that connect riders to our brand, bikes and equipment in away that builds meaningful connections and achieves our business goals. The Marketing Manager will be responsible for leading this effort and managingthe Chinese marketing team to successfully achieve brand and business goals ontime and within budget.HOW YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE

[*]Lead   marketing and marketing strategy planning and the execution of projects   focused on achieving brand and business goals
[*]Integrate   with global marketing team to strategize new opportunities and develop   supporting business plans
[*]Oversee   coordination with distribution business localization of marketing, brand   and product marketing strategy and assets
[*]Analyze   the effectiveness of all marketing efforts and consequent strategies for   improvement
[*]Responsible   for the creation of and adherence to all department budgets

[*]Five   years of success in progressively more responsible positions in marketing   and branding, preferably in a similar industry with international scope   preferred
[*]Successful   experience leading a professional staff of at least three
[*]Outdoor   / Sports retail experience preferred

[*]Must   have fluent English and Mandarin communication skills
[*]Strong   & effective communicator
[*]Highly   developed teamwork skills and the ability to lead & coordinate the   efforts of a diverse team of creative employees
[*]Demonstrated   ability to increase productivity and continuously improve methods,   approaches, and departmental contribution
[*]Flexibility   and “getting your hands dirty” required
[*]Strong   brand orientation and a proven track record of manifesting a brand by   harmoniously melding brand tenants and business objectives for success
[*]Expertise   and a demonstrated track record in product and marketing strategy
[*]High   tolerance for ambiguity and the ability to lead in an environment of   constant change
[*]Demonstrated   effectiveness in working directly with end users, retailers and   customer-focused product development and outreach
[*]Effective   participant in high level strategic input across the company
[*]Versed   and skilled with basic tools of the trade in marketing including PR,   written communication, website development, market research, Microsoft   software suite, visual communication software products, and creative   services
[*]Passion   for riding required
[*]Understanding   of the Chinese market required
[*]Experience   in E-commerce Chinese development and marketing is an advantage

[*]MBA in   Marketing preferred
[*]May be   substituted with extensive work experience in an equivalent business.

China Retail Services Manager - 1人
Location: Shanghai,China
REPORTS TO    ManagingDirector SUMMARYThe Retail Services Manager is responsiblefor supporting the Chinese market by upholding the Specialized brandstandards in the retail environment.Through strategic planning,regular communication, quality research and creative evolution, the RetailServices Manager will provide the best retail marketing tools to the Chinesemarket.HOW YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCEl   Translatecontent provided by global marketing to creatively and effectively representSpecialized branded initiatives and product collateral to support retailbusiness l   Alignwith Global Marketing calendar to create in-store collateral availability inChina l   Regularassessment of markets to determine needs l   Knowledgeof print processes and vendor management l   Well-versedin available materials and formats for retail marketing initiatives l   Demonstratean understanding of marketing/communication based graphic design l   Followresearch processes to provide quantitative and qualitative results for allmajor in-store collateral l   Regularreporting on efficacy of materials and plans for modification l   Marketcommunications to relay results of marketing support collateral l   Provideclear timelines for development, review, design and delivery of in-storesupport l   Demonstratedunderstanding of POP/Fixture line, within 30 days of employment l   Clearunderstanding of retail store layout l   Provideclear leadership and direction for all involved in the development ofmarketing initiative-focused collateral l   Establishand maintain effective relationships with internal business partners (GlobalMarketing, Product Development, Industrial Design, all markets and RetailServices teams) l   Establishand maintain collaborative relationships with all vendors, providing regularfeedback and direction l   Potentialnegotiation of difficult matters (vendor claims/dispute resolution) l   Followstrategic planning practices Physical Requirementsl   Extensivetravel may be required l   Must beable to safely and regularly lift and carry up to 50 pounds l   Must beable to stand/walk for extended periods of time l   Must becomfortable with climbing ladders l   Must beable to work occasional long hours and weekends SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGEl   Must havefluent English and Mandarin communication skills l   Minimumof 2-years marketing experience, preferably in retail l   Understandingof marketing terminology and practices l   Excellentverbal and written communication l   Elevatedattention to detail l   Provenability to build teams and partnerships l   Process-orientedl   Strongability to prioritize within team and department l   Highlevel of accountability and reporting l   Data-drivenl   Advancedknowledge of Adobe CS Suite and Microsoft Office Suite, Excel, PowerPoint orKey Note l   Flexibilityon the job; ability to adapt quickly and react positively to business needsand changes in strategies l   Comfortablewith team-based work structure l   Skillfulin retail merchandising is an advantage l   Strongproblem-solving skills l    Self-disciplined and able to meet tightdeadlines
如您对以上岗位有兴趣,nina.yuan@specialized.com]请发送您的个人简历到nina.yuan@specialized.com或者致电+86-21-33821660 * 1010 谢谢。
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